Preview of the reports – Taylor’s University

It’s time to have a look on another innovative solution towards more sustainable future of the industry.

This time we will dive into Taylor’s University and their ideas for Dimension 3: Hospitality Tomorrow.

The world we live in today is one of rampant pollution and drastic energy use. As Hoteliers it is our duty to ensure the sustainability of our field for future generations. Out of the many problems we face, the two which we deem the most important are ​‘Unsustainable Production & Consumption’ as well as ‘Hospitality Footprint’​. In order to better understand the two problems, one should break it down further. Starting with ‘Unsustainable Production & Consumption,’ hotels need to cut down the amount of single use plastic and unnecessary packaging being used throughout their day-to-day operations. These plastics are notorious for taking hundreds of years to decompose and are usually discarded into the ocean or into landfills. This is extremely dangerous as it not only endangers the lives of the animals which inhabit these respective areas, but it plays a large part in the rising pollution levels seen across the world. By switching to more sustainable alternatives, the industry will be playing its part in creating a more sustainable future for everyone. However, this is only the beginning, hotels also need to cut down on the amount of food waste being produced within its kitchens and restaurants. As this food waste decomposes, it turns into methane gas, which also affects the ‘Hospitality Footprint.’ This methane gas plays a large role in climate change as well as the industry’s carbon footprint. Hotels need to start implementing solutions such as Eco-Enzyme practices, and Food Waste categorizers into their operations in order to reduce the amount of food waste being generated on a daily basis. Not only will the implementation of the Food Waste categorizers help the environment, but it can also help bring down monthly food expenses if used to its full potential. Digging deeper into the “Hospitality Footprint” shows us that it is not one specific practice that causes the high carbon footprint emitted from the Hospitality Industry, but instead the culmination of smaller practices. If the industry wants to begin to reduce its carbon footprint, hotels will need to start implementing practical changes within a specific timeline to ensure completion by the year 2050. A timeline is extremely useful for hotels if they wish to follow all the information provided above, as it allows them to space out the changes in a practical way which does not diminish business. If accomplished successfully, society would be an audience to an impact which dramatically changes the industry for generations to come.

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